

Hello and welcome to my blog!


Before I get started let me introduce myself. My name is Kira and I am a woman who happens to be Transgender. In all the ways that count I am just like anyone else; I think, I live, I learn, and I love. I have a job, a family I love. I have have hobbies and interests. Sunshine makes me happy as does good music, good friends, and the time I spend with my children.

I just happen to have had the misfortune, (or is it fortune?), to have been born with a body which doesn’t match up with what is between my ears, but that doesn’t make me a freak or crazy or delusional. It just makes for a challenging life.

I like to read, to listen to music, and to watch a good movie. I’m also attempting to get some of the thoughts in my head out and onto paper so others can share in the insanity which is my imagination.

Now, what I gave is really pretty generic information, if you would like to know my favorite Artists, authors, or bands, feel free to ask.

Then again, if you have any questions at all, please ask. I will try to answer if it isn’t too invasive.


Getting ready to go out track or treating with the kids.
Getting ready to go out trick or treating with the kids.

270 thoughts on “About

  1. Hey 🙂 great blog, really interesting stuff. Looking forward to reading more posts! Thanks for checking out my blog too – glad you enjoy my writing 🙂

  2. I would like to say I love your blog and the wonderful and beautiful things you share as well as the inspiration and smiles you bring in doing so! Thank you for being you and I hope even if you do not accept awards you will accept the sentiment expressed as I honor you with one. There is no prize that comes with the award other than my appreciation and being grateful you are part of our world and making a difference by sharing in such a positive way…
    I have posted the award and link to it here I hope you will accept it or at least the sentiment behind it! http://artisticlyxpressedthoughts.wordpress.com/2014/03/27/awards-and-shared-gifts/

    With love,

  3. Thanks very much for stopping by my blog, as it enabled me to find yours! I’m definitely exploring it and recommending it to a friend who’s trying to be sensitive to the fact that her young daughter may be alternately gendered. She wants to support her child, however that journey unfolds. You’re doing good work here!

  4. Kira: There is a program on TED (type that in and you will find it) which is about transgendered people. What they are doing to help teens, (amazing work). You may want to see it.

  5. Kira,
    You have created a really interesting, well-written, and professional looking blog. I think the FAQ page is also a brilliant intro to gender dysphoria for even the most bigotted of people to read.
    You look great in your photos, especially in your gravatar where I think u look like the girl from the film The Lake House who works on the building site with Keanu Reeves.
    Best wishes,

  6. Thank you for following We Fall Laughing. I have enjoyed exploring your blog. I have found it increasingly inspirational and look forward to reading more.

  7. Hi Kira, I just wanted to say thanks for liking my last post. When I saw you, I immediately though, Oh, it’s Kira, I haven’t seen her for ages! So I thought I’d better pop over for a visit. Love the new blog look! Kev.

    1. Hi Kev,
      It’s good to hear from you again! Thank you so much for stopping by and I’m glad you like the new look, I’m pretty happy with it myself, LOL! 😉

  8. I wanted to thank you for following my WordPress blog throughout the years. I also wanted to let you know that I have recently revamped my “About” section to provide additional services. For more information, please read here: belovedgeliebt.wordpress.com/about.

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