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I’m finally home after a week in the hospital due to making bad decisions. After learning transitioning was no longer possible, I gave up, on everything, including taking my medicine for depression and blood pressure, which lead both to spiral out of control until I ended up in the ER and then ICU.

I’m not going to try and explain everything in a single post, instead, I plan to write a little bit about where I was and where I am at the moment and hope you put up with my ramblings.



Well, life can change direction in the blink of an eye. Thursday I was having issues with my balance so my wife called our doctor and he decided I needed to go to the hospital.

When I got there my BP was too high and I was admitted. The doctors have been working overtime to get it under control and they finally did so.

Now there is still a long way to go but for now I might get to go home soon and that is my immediate goal.

I’ll update you when I have more information.

Days forgotten

Not sure if I missed a post recently or not. Things have been difficult to say the least.

I am currently sitting in the cardiac unit of my local hospital and have since last Friday. The good news is my BP is closer to being under control than it has been for months.

There is a chance I might be cleared within a few more weeks .


The last 24hr have been interesting, to use a word. I’m pretty much house bound at the moment as I can barely make it across the house using a cane. It feels as if someone beat me across the lower back and legs with a baseball bat, every movement is pain. Every thought of movement is pain.

I’m not sure what I did, but it’s better than what I feared last night when it seemed as if I might have had a stroke when I could barely move my left leg and I wasn’t sure I would ever stand completely upright again.

Not sure when I’ll be close to normal, but at least I have hope things will continue to improve.