
Yesterday was bad and after I hit “Publish” on my last post, it went into a nosedive. There are a number of things I need to work trough before I’ll be ready to write about them; maybe once I talk with my therapist next week, but only time will tell.

If I thought last night was rough then today was ready to show me what a bad day really looked like beginning with having a police officer at my front door to do a welfare check… not on me, but on my youngest who had someone concerned about them enough they called social services. Now his mother and I are looking to get him into therapy and taking a number of precautions as well.

I remember when each of my children were small how difficult it was to get much, if any, sleep. As much from overall concern to the practical reasons every parent deals with and now, all these years latter, I wonder if I’ll ever be able to sleep comfortably again.

9 Things You Won’t Remember If You Had A Toxic Parent & What That Means

9 Things You Won’t Remember If You Had A Toxic Parent & What That Means

A toxic parent’s actions can seem obvious in hindsight, making you question why you didn’t see how wrong they were when you were young. But there are actually a lot of things you won’t remember if you had a toxic parent, and it’s the absences that might actually be the clearest signs of their harmful behavior. Think of it like reading between the lines.

It’s hard to spot a toxic parent as they’re raising you, especially because they’re all you know. That’s why a lot of people don’t figure out just how damaging their mom or dad’s behavior was until they’re an adult, as they work through their issues with a therapist or are exposed to healthier models for parenting. As you swap childhood stories with a partner or friends, the level of harm you endured may become more clear; likewise, raising your own children may make you realize some of the actions you normalized in you parents are things you would never do to your own children.

Bottom line, the things you didn’t experience in your youth might be the biggest indicator that something was wrong, and coming to terms with what you missed out on can help you move forward from your toxic parent’s inhibiting nature. Read on for some of the things you may not remember.

Six Moms Who Welcomed Their Transgender Children With Open Arms | Human Rights Campaign

Six Moms Who Welcomed Their Transgender Children With Open Arms | Human Rights Campaign:

“For Mother’s Day this year, HRC is honoring mothers across the nation who are standing up for transgender equality.

This particular group of mothers has become outspoken advocates for transgender equality. Whether on Capitol Hill, the Nightly News or at the White House, these moms have become exceptional role models for parents everywhere.”


A Trans Parent: How One Woman Is Inspiring a Nation | Mandi Camille Hauwert

A Trans Parent: How One Woman Is Inspiring a Nation | Mandi Camille Hauwert:

“The first time I ever heard of Jessica Lynn, I was sitting down in a small recording studio at the base of UCSB’s Storke Tower. I had been invited as a guest to be interviewed for Your True Gender Radio about my life as a transgender correctional officer. The program was part of Your True Gender, a non-profit organization co-founded by Jessica Lynn. At the time, she seemed like a mythical figure. An amazing woman who’d overcome the war trenches of life to emerge a shining beacon for the Trans community. I looked upon her like a superstar, an unreachable force of nature that I would never meet.”

(Via. HuffingtomPost)